Shipping Information
United States
- 3-12 business days ($4.95 USD or free over $60)
* Delivery times vary for countries not specifically mentioned above the more details by reaching the shipping section at checkout and selecting your country
When will my order ship out?
All orders are dispatched within 1-3 business days, followed by the shipping times displayed above
Order Tracking
As soon as your order ships out, you will receive an e-mail with a tracking number (which can take 24-48 hours to update). You can track your order here.
When we ship the order you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. Please don't stress if there are no scan events within the first week
If your order does not arrive within 21 business days, please contact us so that we can follow it up transport.
Do you have a warranty policy?
Yes, we offer a generous warranty policy. If there are any issues with the product. Please send us a video at showing the product damage at the time of delivery. Do not submit a chargeback to eligible for the warranty. If you wish to refund the product, you must go through the returns process and not submit a charge back
Need help?
If your order hasn't received a tracking update in a while, it's generally due to a courier error, and it will still more than likely be delivered within the shipping times displayed above.
However, if your order ex window exceeded the delivery or you need any help, feel free to contact us at
* Please ensure the items in your order are selected correctly because once the order is processed, they can't be stopped/canceled in transit. When you receive your order, if you decide not to keep it or part of it, our 30-day return policy applies.